Short Stories

Audio Book

Project Freedom
A Schizophrenic's Tale

by Ken Dinneen

    Righteous Kings
    by Ken Dinneen


John Loman sat busily eating cereal from a ceramic bowl the room he is in is typical of any 24 year olds bachelor pad. Beer bottles and beer posters an old couch yet somehow there stood a kitchen table with 4 chairs and a light hanging above a few papers presumably bills sat next to his cereal bowl some milk and a box of cereal sat toward the center his tv ran in the background and there was a news update detailing a 6 car pileup on interstate 3 north of Buffalo a chopper briefly shows arial footage and they go to a commercial.

Deep space experimental satelite

shot of satelite with equipment pointed into the deep space beyond a light comes on near a lens and then the satelite dies goes dead lenses close lights go out a rush of microscopic invisible except for a vague shadow rushes past the satelite and on through space toward earth.

John brushing back his long brown straight hair adjusts his glasses and pulls his jacket open as he gets in his 1989 toyota corrola his right hand holds a slender briefcase and he sets it on the seat. He is on his way to his current work as a guine pig for a drug company. He pulls through a snarl of traffic and exits the freeway. He pulls in the parking lot of a non-descript 2 story boxlike builing that is painted white stucco. He enters the glass door and walks to a door down a wide corridor. He enters and is greeted by a receptionist behind a desk. He says hello and cracks a joke, the receptionist laughs girlishly. She buzzes him through an interior security door and he walks through to a series of waiting rooms, he enters the door marked subject 7 sets his briefcase on the examination table. A man in a white coat steps in and asks John how he is doing. "Its in my current report doc" "Everytime I shit I think I'm going to die" 'Side effect is hardened stool apparently' said the man. 'Yes interesting' he went on to say as he flipped through Johns report. 'Another dose and we'll be ready for testing John'. The man produced a small case and opened it very carefully inside was a syringe and a bottle marked xh2o experimental. He swabbed Johns arm and injected him with the clear substance. The man left the room. He walked through to another door and entered a lab a scientist was there and said "hello hows it coming with subject 7" in a sing song scary and animated voice. "Subject 7is ready for testing" said the man.

Situation Room 10:00am

Impending Doom

A radiation burst has come from a nearby star? Yes it will destroy most the life on earth in approx. 1 hour 22 minutes. There is nothing we can do to stop it. We can only hole up in the shelters and wait and pray our shielding is strong enough to withstand the blast. To the shelters then! This is of course top secret, hush hush. Essential personel only.


Yes sir! The man hung up the telephone. and hurried back to the room marked subject 7. He entered and a bead of sweat showed on his forehead, he seemed hurried. " Are you ready for your tests?" Ready? I've been ready to get this over with for a month now" Today we only need to check on the efficiency of the serum. "We are going hurry you along, you'll be done before you know it" What you've been given is a drug that gives you immunity to radiation, we are going to see how well it works by giving you some measured doses of radiation, we should be able to tell if there is any change in your cells.
This is amazing there is virtually no effect on his tissues, how much radiation did you say you gave him. "The maximum allowed for the test" Good grief that would fry the cells of anybody! WoW!

Subject seven report

Situation room 10:45am

The man from the testing facility is talking to the head of the situation room. "The preliminary data shows a remarkable tollerance to even severe radiation, we can have this serum available in a few months". " How much do you have of it on hand now doctor?" Very little, just enough for the lab work and testing, plus a small batch of possibly 100 doses." I need you to bring all your supply and all your science to the Fort Killaman military base within the half hour, can you do this doctor? Yes I'll be there!

Quiet before the storm

John felt relieved and puzzled as to why the reasearch facility had let him go after only 30 minutes of testing but he was glad to be free. He drove to his friend Matts house and knocked on the door. "Johnny! how are ya you damn guinne pig!" " "The reasearch facility cut me loose early today, I have no idea why but hey I'm not complaining" You still got that game for your ps3? yea. Great man I be handing you your ass soon! Game playing and drinking beer, continues until suddenly the tv goes dead, lights flicker. The shadow hits earth at millions of mile per hour, earth is enveloped in the radiation.

Dead zone

1 month later

People and all life has been extinguished, johny is a sole survivor, impervious to the radiation, he lives in an abandoned world going from house to house and eating the contents of the various pantries. He notices a flower growing one day and looks up to the sky "thank you God"! he mutters to himself.

2 months later the world is reborn plants are growing again and he is alone in a world that resembles the rebirth of growth after a fire.

Johny is sitting on a porch of a home in an empty world, empty of life, empty of laughter of, friendship. He thinks to himself what should I do now. This whole damn earth is mine, what the hell do I want to do with it? How should I think? How should I act knowing I will live and die alone in the world of rotting corpses.

Johnny appleseed

John finds a car he likes and gets the keys and drives it; a nice mercedes or bmw etc. He goes looking for signs of life. He goes to the mountains and sees rivers that may have fish. He finds a lOdge in the mountains and moves in and meditates on his situation. As he drives he passes a sign for the Fort Killaman military base. A reflection catches his eye, as if something moved, he stops the car and backs up and pulls into the drive and past the checkpoint as he pulls in he sees men in hazmat suits with geiger counters. The reflections of the sun from the helmets shine in his eyes. He approaches the men and they motion him to come with them. They are taken to decontamination room and cleaned then brought through huge doors into an underground shelter. The man from the research facility is there and greats John. Its incredible you've survived! We are going to reintroduce animals in another week or two, its going to be fragile for awhile the entire eco-system is out of whack. The biologists are working on rebuilding the world, they say they can do it. Nature impressed us by regrowing some plants on her own, now with her help we have a fighting chance.

The world in 5 years


John is living in a rural area near Buffalo his children and wife are playing and talking around him. Of the earths human inhabitants he is one of only several hundred worldwide to have survived. Animals and birds insects that were saved have made a comeback and are starting to become established , adapting to food sources, and habitat that they are faced with. The people who have survived form a new government. Based on the Constitution of the United States, but rewritten for the new age. John is recruited to work on clean up in the city along with other survivors they make a clean area and re-establish society in one "clean area" and make it the new home base of the worlds human population. With priorities clearly established old ones having been smashed to smithereens. John has to reassess what life is all about, what really matters to him and his own interests in this brave new world.